Nigel yesterday spoke in Parliament in favour of new legislation on domestic violence, to protect those who have not been physically assaulted but have been the victim of sustained patterns of extreme psychological and emotional abuse.
Speaking in the House of Commons to the Solicitor General Mr Evans said, ‘As the number of domestic abuse referrals has increased, does the Solicitor General agree that it is apparent that just as physical abuse should be consigned to the history books so should mental control, which is a form of torture that is equally unacceptable in this country today?’
Speaking after the debate Mr Evans said “I fully welcome the Government’s plans to introduce new legislation on psychological and emotional domestic abuse, or coercive control. As I said in the House of Commons this mental torture is equal to any physical pain that can be inflicted and it is right and proper that this abuse is brought to justice.
Clearly the introduction of this new law will result in the number of reported incidents of domestic violence going up, but that is to be encouraged. We need more victims to feel comfortable enough to come forward so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice.”