Nigel Evans, MP for the Ribble Valley, has applauded the announcement of the NHS Long-Term Plan, which was unveiled by the Prime Minister and Simon Stevens, the Chief Executive of the NHS. The 10-year plan has been created to ensure the additional £20.5 billion investment into the NHS prioritises the prevention of illness and ensures the sustainability of the NHS far into the future.
Over the past 6 months, the NHS has drawn on expertise from medical experts, patients and clinicians to develop the plan, which is underpinned by the principle that prevention is better than cure. The largest increase in funding will go towards primary and community care, including GPs. A key ambition of the plan is the goal to improve cancer survival rates by using earlier and more rapid diagnosis, new screening programmes and an offer of genomic testing to all people with cancer – so that 55,000 more people survive cancer each year in 10 years’ time.
Speaking from Westminster, Nigel Evans said:
“It is absolutely right that the emphasis of the long-term plan is placed on prevention, it is important keep people out of hospital where possible and provide world leading community care. Huge sums of money are being made available for early cancer detection and to increase access to mental health services for people of all ages, these are massive contemporary issues for our NHS.”
Included in the plan is also the proposal to improve the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease – over 10 years, the plan will prevent up to 100,000 heart attacks, strokes & dementia cases and ensure 1,600 stroke patients avoid long-term disability each year. Further emphasis will be placed on fighting inequalities, including the expansion of services for veterans and ‘care after custody’ services.
Continuing, Mr Evans said:
“This plan has addressed some of the blind spots in our health service which have traditionally been overlooked. By providing more support in the areas of prevention and early detection more people can live for longer and enjoy a healthy, happy life.”
The long-term plan will also make digital health services a mainstream part of the NHS, meaning that in five-years’ time every NHS patient will be able to access a digital GP service.